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Virtual Biointelligence Lab

Upgrade Yourself and Protect Your Future:

Explore Cyberbiosecurity Innovations

ID for ALL

Implementing biometrics-based national digital identity projects to create unique personal digital IDs

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Are you ready to unlock the potential of your national digital ID program using advanced biometrics?

Cyberbiosecurity • Digital Bioforensics and Online Identity • Quantified Self • smartDNA • Intelligent Biology • Biodigital Convergence • Biocryptography • AI • Research Services (see bellow)

Advanced Tracking Service

Cyberbiocrime tracking via tech analysis, social media monitoring, and public data

Cybersecurity Solutions for Biotech and Pharma

Personalized protection for research and data.

Ethical Hacking for Biomedical Research

Conducting legal hacking tests to identify vulnerabilities in the biomedical research system and improve overall security

smartDNA Technology - R&D

DNA-based data storage solutions for massive data compression

Biometric Data Encryption

Implementing robust encryption methods to prevent hacking of personal biometric information.

"Smart science made in Berlin"